Anony Mous
JoinedTopics Started by Anony Mous
Do children still get destroyed at Armageddon?
by Anony Mous ini know back in the day, that was taught, that if the parents were going to be destroyed, so would the children.
i just can't easily find reference to anything.
this thinking has been used to justify some egregious behavior towards children and their parents such as exclusion of children from jw family - why worry, the end is near, all will work itself out then - the end didn't come though.
Why you need Christmas to understand Easter/Memorial
by Anony Mous inso i went to a christmas evening candlelight service tonight and it hit me.
i was primarily doing christmas since leaving the jw for the children.
lots of people do it for family without really thinking of the relevance.
If the UN fails, what do JWs have prepared?
by Anony Mous ini was listening to a podcast about the current geopolitical situation, apparently the un has gone so far off the reservation being controlled by and trying to align themselves with anti-west values, a number of countries is attempting to kick israel out of the un because it is defending itself against iran.. off course, many african nations, some middle eastern, china and russia and a few european nations are all in some amalgamated economic league.
if the vote happens while biden is still president, it’s unlikely, given the election, the party is willing to throw their anti-semitic base under the bus and wouldn’t veto it, hence why these people are considering doing this now and china/russia would go along just to create some mayhem.
the un weeks ago voted to hand over a significant part of jerusalem to an unspecified state of palestine, this likewise went unopposed by the biden-harris administration.. if this happens, given the outcome of the next election, the us will almost certainly have to abandon and disband the un.
My grandmother called my mother
by Anony Mous inso, i’m just posting this as a warning to lurking jws.
if you’re still on the fence, here is a story.. my grandmother, now in her 80s hasn’t talked to anyone in the family for over 20 years ever since my mother was the last one of her children that left ‘the truth’, she had sent my mother a card to never talk to her again.
so here we are 21 years later, she gets a call out of the blue that she needed help, she hadn’t been able to get into her kitchen.
Jesus and Thomas twin theory?
by Anony Mous inin light of the recent attack on indian jws i did some research about christianity in india and found out that india has a long history of christian influence, and not, like many of us probably believed, brought by the british, rather india has had christians for 2000 years.. matter of fact, they may be similar length and claim to the ‘original’ christians only equal by the roman (european), syrian (middle eastern) and ethiopian (african) christians.
the story goes that judas thomas (aka doubting thomas or dydimus) (literally translated: dydimus = twin (greek) and tomas = twin (aramaic)), the twin brother of jesus travelled to india and did some miracles along the way, started the church there, hence deification of thomas is common there.. i found some articles written by eg.
bart ehrman supporting this theory, personally not that much of a fan, but i know many interested in jw exegesis as he supports various fringe theories including wtbts claim to the name jehovah.. the claims of jesus’ twin brother seem to be supported by the original writings, including the gospel as we know it in the west (almost every canonical gospel writer alludes to the twin), but also various other non-canonical writings and at least 3 complete gospels claimed to be by thomas himself (although the oldest writings stem from the first, second and third century respectively).
No news on Maui?
by Anony Mous ini haven’t heard a peep from any jw family about maui.
must not’ve had much witlesses there, on jwtalk there is one fella says .
we lost no friends!
Got my convention invitation
by Anony Mous inhow things have changed, apparently they totally forgot i am an "evil apostate" two good looking ladies came to my door, my wife opened the door.. handed my wife the tract and said they are simply inviting people in the area, nothing further, not even a bible or other literature in their hand.. the invitation is small, like the size that a small 3-fold tract used to be.
i remember the last invitation was at least a proper sheet of paper.
and thin, you can see right through it.
And the lion shall eat straw like the ox
by Anony Mous inthe above verse is often quoted by jws both in general as a response to the idea of a deathless paradise and/or those promoting vegetarianism or veganism.. a letter in animal frontiers co-signed by nearly a thousand scientists is now warning that meat is crucial for a healthy lifestyle and livestock farming is too important to 'become the victim of zealotry'.. they stated the fact that most humans require the nutrients from eggs, meat and dairy and that plant based alternatives are at least 4x more expensive (which implies much higher energy consumption in the process) and not scalable and outright dangerous to global health to support a large population shift towards them.. they also called out several recent papers for misleading information and even called for the outright retraction of one that said meat substitutions are a viable alternative.. not sure what the modern jw view on this is, i know many people in the borg promoted it back in the day.
just goes to show that science does not support the notion of a global vegan diet..
Charles the Third and the Two-Headed Beast
by Anony Mous ini was reading an article about the pomp and circumstance around the first coronation in nearly a century.. made me think of the revelation book (the red one, not the bible) and the picture of the two headed beast with a sword and if i have some time today i will see if i can’t find it and age it a bit, it seems the sword is a bit dull and the two heads are now both octogenarians with severe dementia, kind of funny to see that instead of “swift judgment” we’ve come to internal decay.. what do you canadians, english, scots, irish and australians think about your new leadership?.
Opening doors, putting your foot in the door and other dangerous activities
by Anony Mous ini was listening to the news and there is this big brouhaha about someone shooting someone through their front door.
apparently the person tried to open the door of an elderly person, scaring the homeowner and they shot a gun injuring the person.
obvious castle doctrine case.. which made me remember a rather overzealous old pioneer that used the same tactics when he knew the homeowners were home but didn’t want to come to the door, he would start opening the storm doors and try to see if the door was unlocked so he could yell inside.